trauma & emdr Therapy
A trauma-informed approach that values your story & process.
Maybe you’re feeling overwhelmed and helpless.
Your body is always trying to keep you safe. When you don’t get the care you need during painful or confusing times you can get stuck in survival mode —hyper vigilance, anxiety, conflict, withdrawal, shut-down, depression, and more. The good news is that your nervous system is adaptable, changeable, and capable of growth and healing.
Whatever it is you’re going through, please know that you are worth the time and effort it takes to pursue healing and wholeness.
Perhaps you’ve had some recent or ongoing stressful events or relational difficulties, and are trying to seek guidance in navigating some confusing dynamics. When things like this come up unexpectedly, it can set us on a spiral of reactivity, fear, anger, shame, or shutdown. It can be helpful to seek some support from a professional to make sure you’re congruent with your beliefs, values, and the person you want to be.
There is no timeline for healing, and time definitely does not heal all wounds. When pain from past events lingers, our default is to question ourselves, to feel weak or broken. My invitation to you is to imagine that when pain lingers, it may be because the wound was too deep to heal on its own. You may need extra support to work through past traumas, whether you know exactly what the traumas were, or not.
When we struggle, most of us tend toward isolating ourselves, and since we may not have ever learned to lean on safe people, the idea may feel foreign. Asking for help takes courage. When life pushes us past our normal coping strategies, it is an opportunity to seek growth and healing through connection. Therapy can help you connect with yourself and others in ways that align with who you want to be. Getting help is an open door toward knowing you’re not alone, that there is goodness in you, and that you’ve had the tools to heal inside you all along.
I’m kat.
I believe you deserve a compassionate witness to your pain and a gentle path forward.
I am committed to trauma-informed services that are respectful of the client, no matter where you are on your faith journey.
I can integrate spiritual guidance in my approach, but I let my clients determine that part of treatment based on their goals and preferences.
How I can help
I specialize in trauma therapy—whether or not you know what exactly “happened” to you.
Trauma isn’t what happens to you, it’s how certain things get stored in your brain and body. You may know exactly what trauma your body holds. Or, you may have a sense that something’s not right, but can’t point to anything in particular. Maybe you had a “good childhood,” but for some reason, you’re having difficulty connecting to people around you. Contact me to learn more.
Spiritual abuse is tough to define, and can range anywhere from clergy sexual abuse, to religious institutional cover-ups, to rigid religious standards and teaching. In short, spiritual trauma can happen anytime a person in a position of spiritual authority (a parent, pastor, leader, etc) uses that authority to harm someone, or doesn’t use that authority to protect. Reach out to me about spiritual trauma coaching or intensives. Learn more.
I am trained in EMDR, a premier evidence-based form of treatment to address trauma, as well as other disruptions in the nervous system. EMDR can be hugely beneficial in helping traumatic memories seem farther away and less disruptive, as well as helping clients integrate confusing or stressful experiences or symptoms. Learn more.
How it works
You’re welcome here, exactly as you are. I’m so grateful you’re here.
Click this link to request a free, confidential consultation. I’ll ask you to tell me a bit about you and what kind of care you’re looking for. Then, we’ll assess whether we are a good fit for one another. I’ll be happy to answer any questions you have about me or the counseling process.