go beyond traditional talk therapy & discover your body’s inherent ability toward healing.

EMDR Therapy Online

You’ve tried everything you can think of to feel better, but nothing sticks.

Maybe you’ve been to counseling before, but traditional talk therapy isn’t helping as much as you’d hoped. Perhaps you want deeper healing, and a more thorough approach to the parts inside that feel stuck.

you’re still feeling…

Frustrated by how long healing is taking, or that you can’t “get over” something that happened to you.

Disconnected in your relationships, and powerless to change that.

Overwhelmed by the energy it takes to function each day, and stuck even though you “know all the right things” about healing.

EMDR therapy can help you integrate experiences that feel confusing or overwhelming.

EMDR is an evidence-based trauma treatment that addresses unresolved trauma and integration of body sensations, emotions, thoughts, and images that have gotten “stuck” along the way.

  • EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. It allows us to harness the brain’s innate capacity for healing. It utilizes bilateral stimulation (through back-and-forth eye movements or tapping) to allow the brain to file the traumatic experience in a way that makes space for healing.

  • We will spend some time on introduction, which is used to get to know one another and discuss plans, goals, and what issues you want to address using EMDR.

    Next, we will focus on preparation and resourcing, where I will equip you with tools for self-regulating and knowing how to attend to your nervous system as tough things come up. This may include guided imagery, breathing, somatic awareness, and strengthening your body’s connection with existing resources, such as loved ones, past positive experiences, or imagining your ideal outcome.

    Then, we will move on to the reprocessing phase, where we will choose a difficult memory to start with. I will ask you to focus on an image that represents the worst part of the incident, as well as emotions, body sensations, and negative cognitions that arise when you think of the image. This part isn’t as intimidating as it may sound; there is no wrong way to do this as the client! I’ll guide you every step of the way.

    After each reprocessing session, we will reflect on shifts and growth, as well as assessing for what work you may want to focus on next. You are in charge of your healing journey, and I will work with you on your timeline and preferences.

  • Clients are often surprised at how creatively their brains work during reprocessing. During this phase, clients may experience shifting body sensations, changes in how they remember the stressful events, waves of emotion, and complex problem-solving. As you do EMDR, you may over time experience less anxiety, less reactivity, and the ability to more easily be at peace with yourself and difficult events. Your body and mind guide the way in what still needs attention and care. I will be with you to help support and attune, as well as listen and provide resources.

may you know:

Whatever it is that you’re experiencing, there is goodness inside you, even in the stuck parts.

Is EMDR right for you?

EMDR may be a good fit for you if you…

  • Have experienced a painful, stressful, or confusing event and are struggling with flashbacks, panic attacks, or distressing memories.

  • Are struggling with the impacts of feeling chronically shutdown, numb, or exhausted.

  • Notice relational patterns in yourself of reactivity, conflict, withdrawal, avoidance, or people-pleasing.

  • Feel stuck, even though your life is good, and there is nothing obviously “wrong".”

What we’ll work on

With EMDR, you can…

Improve your ability to choose who you want to be, and align with your values.

Learn how to be safe in your own body, and trust your own ability to assess safety and danger around you.

No longer be stuck in intense emotional distress from past experiences.

Gain new coping skills to regulate your emotions and attend to your needs.

Your story is welcome here.

Your story is welcome here.



  • Yes. EMDR can address issues like anxiety, depression, chronic pain, phobias, addictive behaviors, low self-esteem, people-pleasing, and emotional dysregulation.

    EMDR can also be used in a coaching or consulting capacity to help clients get unstuck in career goals, creativity blocks, and event-specific anxieties, such as text anxiety.

  • Not if you don’t want to! Thankfully, EMDR is effective whether or not you verbalize every detail of your traumatic memories. This means you can share as little or much as you like. I am very respectful of clients’ preferences about how much to verbalize their trauma history.

  • This will vary from client to client. Generally speaking, single events (such as a natural disaster or a car accident) will take fewer sessions to reprocess — perhaps 6-10 session. Longer occurring events or multiple events, such as childhood abuse, intimate partner violence, or family of origin trauma will take much longer. When we meet and discuss goals for treatment, we can discuss how much or how little work you would like to do, and frequently re-evaluate.